Simple Nutrition Insights

Unlock the Power of Practical Intuition for Life and Career Success

Leonila Episode 54

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Unlock the transformative power of intuition as we welcome Katya Dmitrieva, an intuitive life coach and founder of the Intuitive Life Coaching Academy. Katya's incredible journey from the Soviet Union to becoming a prominent coach in the United States is nothing short of inspiring. She sheds light on how reconnecting with one's intuition can be a guiding force for discovering true self and purpose, especially in our hectic lives. Uncover the unique principles of intuitive life coaching, which emphasizes holistic growth over mere problem-solving.

We'll challenge common misconceptions about intuition, debunking the myth that it's an exclusive or mystical ability. Katya shares compelling stories of how practical intuition can lead to remarkable transformations, like helping clients overcome hidden barriers to achieve significant business success. Learn how physical activity, meditation, and self-awareness can serve as bridges to higher self-awareness and potential. Understand how tuning into your own energy and body sensations can dramatically improve stress management and nutrition.

Explore the concept of "emotional glue," a crucial factor in personal development, and discover why emotional payoffs keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns. Katya discusses the evolving role of intuition in various settings—from corporate environments to personal lives—and advocates for its widespread practical application. Interested in intuitive life coaching as a career? Katya provides valuable insights into available programs and the importance of proper education and accreditation. Tune in to find out how following your inner voice can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

3-Day Intensive Workshop: The Path to Intuition 
Schedule a free discovery call with Katya
Journey to Intuition Master Course 

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Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, welcome back to another episode of the Simple Nutrition Insights Podcast. I am your host, elia Mila Campos, registered Dietitian, and in today's episode, I am really excited to have a special guest, katya Dimitrieva, who is an intuitive life coach and the founder of the Intuitive Life Coaching Academy. Of the Intuitive Life Coaching Academy, she is an ICF professional certified coach with 13 years of experience, having helped over a thousand clients, from entrepreneurs to doctors. The idea to teach intuitive skills in coaching came to Katia during a meetup in September of 2020. And then she subsequently created an ICF accredited program, giving Katia birth I'm sorry, giving birth to the ILCATE. Currently, they are accepting applications for the 11th group, set to begin in November 2024. Katia, welcome to the podcast. Thank you. Well, first of all, thank you for accepting to do it and I'm excited to do this episode. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's start with our first question Can you share a bit about your personal journey and what led you to become an intuitive coach?

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely. I had quite a journey. Of course I didn't start as intuitive life coach. I had a full, long path to that. I was born and raised in Soviet Union and Russia.

Speaker 2:

Intuition was not something that you you know, I always had it, but it's not something that you talk about a lot. And of course, I had to do a lot of self-search on that path to myself. But when I was already in the United States and trying to find myself, trying to find my purpose in life, I was going through some difficult moments and spirituality was something that really helped me to pull through, to work through my difficult times. And in that I one of my meditations. I asked a very clear question from my intuition how can I combine my love for helping people with my intuition? And I got an answer Check out life coaching. I was able.

Speaker 2:

And from that moment on, because when you know that you are on the right path, things start to show itself to you right. And next day I found out about the life coaching program 13 years ago. It was kind of quite random at that time and, yeah, I went from there and never looked back and of course it was a lot of uncertainty. What is that, whether it's something? But I always trusted my intuition. I always listened, especially in important moments in my life. I was able to listen to my intuitive voice and take that action.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, thank you for sharing that. And that's amazing, right, especially when you grow up not knowing what that is right, but like still being able to develop it and like use it to help other people. I think that that is great and you're absolutely correct, right. Once we know, once we find out what our passion is right, yeah, things almost start to fall into place and they make sense, right, and we become more what's the word More like I don't know like we get that fire in us, right, to continue to develop those skills and help. So I think it's definitely important to let the listeners know, right, what really intuition is and why do you think it's important in today's fast-paced world?

Speaker 2:

Intuition. To kind of like simplify, that is actually a connection with yourself hear your own voice, the voice of your authenticity, to understand who you are and be able to connect with that, listen to that and take an action. So, to simplify, a lot of people call it a gut feeling but I stay away from that definition because gut feeling is a very generalized way. Definition because gut feeling is very generalized way. Every person has their own intuitive calling card or their own way of receiving intuition. Also, intuition shows up in different ways for different people. So for some people it can be a gut feeling, for some people it can be expansion in their heart or tingling sensation. But knowing your unique intuitive calling card will help you to really understand what is your intuition and what is not. Gotcha, thank you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's so individualized, right? Like you said, each person has their own intuitive card per se. Like you said, each person has their own intuitive card per se. So why do you think it's so important to find our intuition in today's fast-paced world and just like how our life is now? Why do you think it would be important to do that?

Speaker 2:

It is important because if you really feel that there is more to life that mundane, mainstream, basic things, that you are looking for purpose, meaning in life, then you are also looking for connection with your intuition, because intuition will lead you to meet yourself, know who you are, what do you want, what are your passions, what are your purpose in life. So they are very much interconnected and I think it's the most important thing for to find meaning and to find fulfillment in life.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, absolutely, and you hear amazing stories right. When people really find themselves right, they find their purpose in life and like just the amazing things that they're able to do, just in general. So how do you integrate intuition into your coaching sessions and how does that differ from, like, traditional coaching ways or methods?

Speaker 2:

Intuitive life coaching is different from conventional life coaching from like traditional coaching ways or methods.

Speaker 2:

Intuitive life coaching is different from conventional life coaching from like when conventional coaching focuses more on solutions and like goals, action steps. We do have that in intuitive life coaching, but solutions come as a byproduct of our work. Intuitive life coaching focuses on the person as a whole, not the problem, not the details of the story. That takes you to like going round and about right, not going to the core of the issue, core of the situation. So we are able to really focus on the person, read between the lines, what person is saying what they are not saying like holistically, look at the situation and also be able to use intuitive listening, intuitive questioning, sharing our intuitive observation and actually being very honest and very open to what we're really hearing so that people can make shifts, changes in their lives. So it's a very deep dive. Intuitive life coaching is a very deep dive into the person and, with that, really helping the person uh to to change their life. It's not like a surface approach I love that.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, you know, for explaining that. For sure is, and I and I think we talked about that right when we did our interview together as well right, it's almost is with similar with nutrition. Right in the sense of like how I approach that specifically, in the sense of really learning about the client itself, right Like the root cause, right, really understanding that person as a whole to be able to help them. In this case, you know, nutrition wise or life coaching per se. So I love that holistic approach for sure. What are some common misconceptions that people might have about intuition?

Speaker 2:

That intuition is that. Some misconceptions are that not every person has intuition, that it's just a woo-woo thing that is not applicable to life or anything, that it's like a focus-focus that has nothing to do with reality, that it's not practical, that it's not tangible these are real and that it's very hard to really understand where it's your intuition and where it's not. So these are biggest misconceptions, gotcha, okay, and maybe one more, that or you have to be born with that or there is no way to develop it, but in your case, right as an intuitive life coach.

Speaker 1:

that is incorrect. Is that right?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely Everything which I just said is incorrect. Is that right? Absolutely Everything which I just said is incorrect, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so with your work with clients, right even for someone that maybe doesn't know what their intuition is is, the idea is to find it right, to find it with them and, like, really be in tune with themselves. Yes, awesome. So I think that's a perfect way to sharing, like. Can you share a memorable story or experience where your intuitive guidance made a significant impact on a client's life?

Speaker 2:

There are so many stories, yeah, I will be happy to share. There was a situation where my clients were trying to see how they could grow their business and expand. By helping them, by, by coaching them, we were able to identify what was holding them back to the degree that they completely changed the way they ran their business and it led to amazing results and amazing success. To amazing results and amazing success. They are very, very successful. You know entrepreneurs, influencers, famous people making a lot of impact in lives of so many other people. But you know, we had to tweak something to make them help realize, like something that was holding them back, that after that changed in their business and now they are very, very successful, multi-million dollar businesses and, yeah, living life of their dreams, living life of their dreams. That was like a very good example of how intuitive life coaching was able to go into the root of the situation and make this shift that completely shifted people's lives.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Yeah, that's really amazing right To be able to see that progression. I'm sure, just as when I see clients right, just to see them progress from when they come to see you to like having that realization right or having that achieve so many things, you know that, like you mentioned right now, things that were holding them back to like have that complete turn and now you know making so much change. That's pretty amazing. How can someone start to trust their own intuition, especially when they feel uncertain or they doubt themselves?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, doubting themselves is a thing that will definitely not help them to connect with their intuition. What can help them to connect with their intuition, what can help them to connect with their intuition, and what you probably help them a lot is connecting with their bodies. Intuition starts in the body. A lot of people say, oh, it's a third eye, it's yeah, like, hold on, hold on, like to start from somewhere. We're starting with the body, feeling it.

Speaker 2:

Because people are so disconnected from their bodies, from the trauma, from experiencing a lot. We experience shame, trauma, all these wonderful things that happen to us. We disconnect from the body not to feel the pain, not to feel the shame, not to feel the pain, right, not to feel the shame, not to feel all this thing. So for us to, to survive, to, to be able to um, to survive, survive the difficulties of our lives. So the first step is to reconnect with your body and there are so many different ways, like one of the ways is actually through physical activity. You know like you're going through a stressful moment. Just stand up and go for a walk, get your body moving.

Speaker 2:

Body movement is a first important thing for connecting with your intuition. Being stagnant, being disconnected from your body will not bring you to your intuition. So, knowing how your body feels, like like we know our scent right, or we know our know our scent right, or we know our loved one's scent, it's like a scent of your intuition. Is energy of your body, of your presence, right, like through meditation, through physical activity, through yoga, through, like re-understanding? Okay, how does my own body feels? Like what is stuck in my body? Where do I store my feelings and emotions? Like you know, this is the first big step in connecting with your intuition, because when you understand your own energy, you will be able to connect with higher energies, with higher vibrations, with a voice of intuition, with the voice of your higher self right, the voice of you that exists outside of the world, outside of the limiting beliefs, pains, traumas, the negativity that we accumulate, kind of like connecting with your soul.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's amazing, and as you explained, that it's almost so difficult for some people to really understand that. Right, that being in tune with yourself or really learning about your body goes beyond everything essentially right. It goes beyond everything essentially right, because it's going to help in so many ways right, in my case, in terms of nutrition, right, it helps in so many ways because if you're not in tune with your body, right, if you don't know how your body feels when you're hungry, or how your body feels when you're satiated, right. Or why is it that we can't control cravings? Right, or how we respond to stress?

Speaker 1:

And oftentimes it's because of that, right, because we're not, we don't know how our bodies feel, we don't know how our bodies are responding to things, and so it is. Yeah, it's amazing that you know that you're able to help people with that, right, because not only is going to teach us to feel things right at a different level, but also to where we can go, how our potential can be. So, yeah, that's pretty amazing for sure. And so how can individuals balance logical thinking and intuition when making those important decisions?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so both logical thinking is important and intuition, combining them too. Don't forget about intuition, about logics, about facts, about you know, like information about, but it's a very surface. Logic is a very surface thing. Intuition is much deeper. Intuition provides actually more information to you than logical mind, because it derives information from so many other things that are much deeper than the surface thing. You see, it derives from your subconscious. It derives from your subconscious, it derives from your dreams, it derives from whatever your beliefs are. You know for some people, from past lives, from other experiences or things that our logical mind forgot already a long time. So we are able to bring out this information that's a long time forgotten from our intuitive side. So both logical and logics and intuition are important for you to take into consideration, making decisions and, yeah, living your life yes, essentially not just using one over the other.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's like really taking both of them and using that.

Speaker 2:

I will tell you, sometimes I take intuition over logic. My logical mind will, because what happens? Logical mind is also usually very heavily influenced by other energies, by other people or other influences. Right, that are not you, and intuition belongs to you, and it's only you. Who can you, at the end of the day, trust Yourself? If you can't trust yourself, you ain't big and deep, you know what right. So trusting yourself is important, and if you just trust outside influences, everything outside, then you will never be able to make right decisions for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that makes sense, right, Because if you're following what everybody else is doing, right and like, even though within you, you right, which is your intuition, is telling you, no, that doesn't like, it doesn't feel right, right, it's not, it's not us and it's most likely, no, not going to work long term. Right, this is like, like you said, at the end of the day, you have to trust yourself, and I think that is a hard thing to do too right, especially, as you mentioned, like, if there's trauma, there are other influences that have impacted our intuition, or lack of right, like, really learning how to do that, and so I think it's important to be able to learn, right, why your intuition is and, like, the most importantly, be being able to trust yourself. Right, like who you are and like what, what you want to be, as you continue to explore yourself. Um, let's see. Okay, so as a life coach, right, what challenges have you faced? Or as an intuitive coach, and how have you been able to overcome them?

Speaker 2:

You know so many challenges. I liked what Steve Jobs said once. He said something I don't remember exactly, but he said something along the lines that only pursue something that you're passionate about, because there will be so many challenges, problems, hiccups and failures that if it's not something that you truly love, you will drop it, and it's so true. So how many challenges? Challenges with people, Challenges with myself. Challenges like judging myself and checking with like what am I judging in that moment? Challenges of sometimes finding the right people. Challenges of saying no and keeping safe boundaries. Challenges of realization that I only work with people I love, care and trust. That's only people I can help, because if I take whoever just for, like, a financial benefit, then it's not good for me, it's not good for the person.

Speaker 2:

So kind of a lot of like challenges around boundaries. Challenges about, like, finding my own voice and helping people to find their voice. Also, challenges of like imposter syndrome, right. Also challenges of like imposter syndrome, right, who am I to help this? Like amazing person who is already, like you know, doing their thing so greatly right. So all those things are challenges. And also having your own business is quite a challenge. You know, we are not service providers. We are entrepreneurs, right, Like we have to. It's not that we accept insurance and then people just come to us from a thin air. No, like it's challenges of entrepreneurship. So, but at the same time, we are not only entrepreneurs we also are service providers, right, and entrepreneurs.

Speaker 1:

So it's it's a lot of challenges with my female clients, right, but also with my male clients they struggle so much with, like you know, I can, you know I'm not doing my goals, right, because either my family doesn't support them or when I have outings, right, there's nothing there for me, or whatever the case may be right, so they're not establishing these boundaries, either because they don't want to feel shamed or because they don't know how to speak up for themselves, right, and so there is a lot of internal work, for sure, that we have to do to establish those boundaries, right, to say no, this is what's going to be good for you, right, you have to take care of yourself, you have to be able to do these things, have to take care of yourself, you have to be able to do these things.

Speaker 1:

And it's almost like I'm pulling teeth right, because they're so resistant. Again, it's likely because they don't know that. You know they have to find themselves right. They have to find their intuition to be able to feel you know strong, to to establish those boundaries, and so, yeah, that's. That's a tough one, I guess. I want to linger here a little bit. What would you say right to these clients of mine like hey, that they're struggling to really establish these boundaries and say no a little bit more often?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like it's probably their limiting beliefs. Here I would really explore, because we all know what we need to do and just by us telling people what they need to do, they will like, unless they overcome their limiting beliefs and are able to have this strong buy-in right Like that. What is the cost of you Like asking this question? What is the cost of you not taking action? What is the cost of you sabotaging yourself? What is the cost you are paying on daily basis on, you know, not doing what you actually want to do, like what stops you? And also look into their it's called, like, emotional glue. What are the benefits of you actually sticking to this? You know, to this no, I'm not going to do that, or I'm not following, I'm not going to follow the plan, and usually there is a big emotional glue connecting them to that.

Speaker 2:

Like, let's say, if the person is depressed, they can feel good because everyone is asking how I am doing. Also, the payoff for me is that I don't have to do much right, I can be just depressed. For example, or not exercising it means that I can't, or not eating right, it means that I can still stay in that you know size, or like, look the way I don't like, but it keeps me away from trying new things and taking risks. I'm afraid I'm scared of taking risks right, so there can be a big like a payoff for people to stay where they are staying. That's why it's very important to explore that first before offering them like a plan, because they may not and people are more likely to take an action on things that they decide that important for them than us telling them what they need to do.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, I have to agree with that a hundred percent, right, yes, we might be the experts here, right, but it really comes down to, like what they want to do. Right, like what, what they're able to do in their level of um or their stage of change Right, because, yeah, we can. We can come up with, like, a beautiful plan right, but if they're not ready for it, it doesn't matter how beautiful the plan is, right's just not going to happen. Versus like, okay, let's together, right, let's come up with something that you're able to do and you're willing to do. But I love those questions right about really asking them the cost right of of not doing something and then finding that that glue part of it right, like what is really really holding them back. So, thank you so much for for sharing those tips. Um, how do you see intuition evolving in the future and do you think it will play a larger role in personal development and coaching?

Speaker 2:

yeah, absolutely we are. We're actually pioneering that, like even 13 years ago I started calling myself like intuitive life coach and you know what is that kind of? What is that? Absolutely? And now you can see people are opening more and more, like talking in, like a business, corporate. They talking about that more and more openly and I think, think I'm very passionate about, I'm a very passionate advocate for intuition to become something that people, all people, see a value in and tapping and learning and using and trusting for everyone, not only like for us holistic entrepreneurs right and practitioners, but for everyone, whether it's in corporate setting, whether it's in business setting, where it's in personal setting, everywhere there are only benefits and benefits and benefits. And I am very passionate about, you know, kind of promoting that and lobbying it. Yeah, for for people to make it like a, like a normal thing, not something that people don't. And also, with our classes and everything that we teach, we teach intuition to be practical and tangible.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a perfect way to maybe let the listeners know more about your certificate programs, just like the services that you offer and like how they can get in contact with you. Of course, I'll add you know everything in the show notes, but tell the listeners more about the amazing work that you do.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. Yeah, we offer a lot of free classes. Every week on Tuesday, we have a free class on intuition intuitive life coaching. Today we had a class in the morning on intuition. In the evening, we will have a group coaching where people can come and experience intuitive life coaching. We're also offering a four-day masterclass on Path to Intuition right now and it's okay if you have not started at the beginning. After signing up, you will receive the replays. We actually also inviting people to our intuitive development course 11 week intuitive development course. We have our intuitive life coaching Academy and certification program that we started the registration for November If you're interested to become a professional, certified intuitive life coach as a great foundation for many other things like for for chiropractors, medical professionals, holistic entrepreneurs, dieticians, personal trainers, you know, you name it. It's a great foundational training. Yeah, so we are everywhere. We are on alkeitocom, we are on Facebook, instagram, youtube. We have a YouTube channel. So, yeah, facebook, instagram, youtube, we have a YouTube channel.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, awesome, yes, thank you, no, and you sent me the link, so I'll absolutely add them to the show notes. So, again, if you want to attend the masterclass, right, and you're listening to the episode now, I'll add that link as well. But even if you don't have a chance to listen to it this week, right, and you're interested in the certificate program, um, that link will be there too, as well as the links to, you know, the website and how discovery call.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you you know to, to to learn more awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll make sure to add all that. What advice would you give to someone interested in exploring intuitive coaching as a career path?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the advice is to listen to your intuition. There are so many programs. First big advice, if I may give advice Absolutely Look for education in life coaching. There are a lot of practitioners who don't have any special specific education and they call themselves coaches. You will be surprised, let's put it this way you will be surprised when you go through the program how many things you thought you knew but you didn't, and will help you to get better results for your clients and, with that, have a more successful business. So, get education, education. There are so many programs right now.

Speaker 2:

Uh, connect with the one that uh resonates with you, not on basis of this is too expensive. This is to connect with the idea, connect with people, connect like see what resonates with. It has to be very intuitive. If it resonates, go for it. I also recommend that you go for a program that is accredited by ICF, international Coaching Federation because it has very you know, regulations and guidelines for international guidelines for life coaching and it's it also looks good on your resume and it you will get great education. Yeah, so that's my, my biggest advice.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Thank you for sharing that Right, specifically like finding the, the legitimacy, legitimacy right, all of the programs that you want to do, because, you're absolutely right about it, pretty much anybody can come themselves a coach right like take your money, like not learn anything. So you want to definitely um be on the lookout with what katya mentioned right and uh, and if you have more questions right um, as you mentioned, doing a discovery call right, learning more about, about your, I'll make sure to definitely add that link to you. But any final thoughts, anything else that you would like to add or that you would like the listeners to know about intuitive coaching or intuition?

Speaker 2:

Actually, if I may have a question for you, like after we we had our conversation last week and I was wondering, because it felt like you also realized that you do a lot more of intuitive work than you thought yes, yes, I wasn't.

Speaker 1:

It's something that it comes very natural to me, right, asking these questions, but it comes in a because I really care about my clients, right, I want to make sure that I provide the resources and I provide what they need, based on on on their struggles, right, based on their problem, their problems, and so, uh, based on their problems. And so it comes natural. I didn't think of it, right, like, oh, it's part of my intuition or it's part of intuitive coaching.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, kind of like realizing that you're actually doing that in acknowledging the role of your intuition in helping your clients.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, absolutely, and it's something that my clients and I talk about right when it comes to to nutrition and, more specifically, if it's when they're struggling, right To choose healthier options or struggling with, like, choosing, you know, specific trigger food right, because they're so stressed and oftentimes it's not it's not black or white right, like just stop eating it. Right or not buy it or whatever. But, yes, we're removing the problem, but we're not addressing it right. We're not working through ways of being able to to, in a in a way, get rid of it Right. And so it does take a lot of work. It doesn't happen in one session. It takes. It takes some, some work from my side and also from the practical side of the client, right, some work that has to be done there, for sure, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so wanted to ask you that. Absolutely yeah, so wanted to ask you that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you Absolutely, but yeah, so any final thoughts that you would like to provide or anything else that you would like to add?

Speaker 2:

Like final thoughts, that if you have that thought in the back of your mind, that there is more to life that meets the eye, listen to that voice, Even if it's really, really quiet. Just listen to that. Start opening yourself up to what's there. What's there for you, what's more there for you, Whether it's finding your life purpose, finding connecting with your spirituality, connecting with your intuition. You know, finding a life that you enjoy living is very important.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think it's important.

Speaker 1:

You know, definitely, if you're listening, right, and you're thinking about like I don't know what to do with my life or I'm so unhappy with where I'm at right, that there are options, right, like talking, like, for example, to Katia, right, having that discovery call and like just figuring out what it is, you know what your purpose is, or just giving you some of that guidance. Right, it doesn't take, I know, sometimes taking that step right, okay, let me message them or let me give them a call. Right, but it can be like life-changing, right. It can really give you that purpose that you need right, especially if you're struggling, like just not knowing what to do. Right, like when you're tired of doing the same thing over and going through the motions. Right, and you're like ready to just do something else.

Speaker 1:

Give Katya a call, right, you know, go into her social media, her Instagram, her Facebook which I'm going to add in the show notes and send them a message. Right, just as simple as that. So there is hope there, there is opportunity. So it's just a matter of like taking that step.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely yes. Thank you so much. Well said.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, thank you so much, Katia. Thank you so much everybody for staying with me and listening. I hope you learned so much today. Again, head over to the show notes. If you have any more questions, write to each other. And yeah, thank you again. Remember to stay strong and stay safe and I will talk to you in another episode. Bye, bye, for now.