Simple Nutrition Insights

Unlock Your Health Potential with a Growth Mindset

Leonila Episode 39

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Can shifting your mindset truly change the way you approach nutrition and fitness? Prepare to unlock a more resilient and positive approach to your health journey as Leonila Campos guides you through the transformative power of a growth mindset. In today's episode of Simple Nutrition Insights, we explore the often-overlooked mental barriers that can hinder progress, such as categorizing foods as "good" or "bad," and delve into the strategies to overcome these pitfalls. Learn how to view all foods as part of a balanced diet, reducing guilt and fostering long-term success in your nutritional goals.

Discover the impact of negative self-talk on your self-esteem and motivation, and gain practical strategies to shift towards a growth mindset. Leonila shares tips on setting realistic goals, celebrating small victories, and using daily affirmations to build a positive outlook. We'll also explore the importance of growth mindset journaling to track your progress in nutrition, fitness, water intake, and sleep. Consistency is key, and by creating scheduled routines and visualizing your journey, you can overcome setbacks and maintain your momentum. Don't miss the downloadable handout available in the show notes or on the Simple Nutrition Insights YouTube channel for extra guidance and support on this transformative path.

Growth Mindset 

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Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, welcome back to another episode in the Simple Nutrition Insights Podcast. I am your host, danila Campos, and I am excited to talk about this topic, because it's not something that we really talk about when we are focusing in our nutrition goals, our fitness goals, but it plays a huge role in our progress, right, and so I did a whole series, you know, nine days. Today is the ninth day of going, you know, doing a live workshop of a variety of topics, right, and so one of the topics that I talked about was about mindset. Right, that was Sunday, and it was very powerful, right, because, again, it's not something that we really visualize ourselves thinking, right, but our mindset, our mind, the way that we process things, the way that we think about things, plays a huge role, right, in our overall success. So I said, why not, you know, talk about that in a podcast episode, because it's something that is meaningful, it's something that can help more people, and so I really wanted to, you know, really dig deep into that, and so I actually created a handout for you, right, that you can download and you can use it. So I am going to share that, I'm going to share my screen, so if you're not seeing the video, don't worry, right, you can always go back to the video. Just look my name on YouTube, leonila Campos, and you should be able to see me. Or you can think the name of the channel is simple nutrition insights. So, just like the podcast, you can also find it in the show notes at the bottom. So let me share my screen here so we can view that, if I can find it right here, perfect.

Speaker 1:

So while I'm I'm sharing it, right, when we think about, okay, what does mindset mean? Right, essentially, there are two types of mindset. Right, we have our fixed mindset and we have our growth mindset. And so when we think about more of a fixed mindset, right, that is like things that don't change. Right, we are set in a way and that's always the way that it's going to be right, or we usually use the words like I can't or I can't do that, or it's more on the negative side of it versus like a growth mindset. Right, that could be looking into the obstacles, could be looking into like why things happen, but in a positive way, like, yes, that was a challenge. Right, maybe I didn't do so well, but let me learn from that experience. Right, let me use that as a way to leverage me and do better next time.

Speaker 1:

And so this is extremely important again when we are focusing on our nutrition goals, when we are focusing on our fitness goals, because things are not always going to go the way that we want them to go right. Oftentimes, the majority of the times, things are going to come up right. And so if we take those things as negative, as like everything you know, every time this happens like I can't seem to do things right, or like what's the point? That's a fixed mindset, right Versus like I'm human, I'm going to make mistakes, things that are not going to work the way that I sometimes plan, and that's okay, right, let's keep moving forward. Well, let me give you a more specific example, and this happens often, right, more so because we have learned, you know, diet society has said we see it everywhere that hey, in order for you to lose weight, you need to stop eating X, y, z, you need to not eat cake or cookies, or whatever the case may be.

Speaker 1:

So then we start to categorize these foods into good foods, bad foods, right? So when we do eat a food that we enjoy, but we have placed it in the bad category, then what's going to happen? We're going to feel so guilty, right, because we ate something that we enjoyed. That's such a horrible feeling. And so then all these thoughts rush, you know, they come rushing to us and we feel overwhelmed, we feel like a failure, we feel like we can't do this, we feel like we're never going to succeed.

Speaker 1:

Right, because we're already seeing ourselves from something negative, right, and we have that fixed mindset versus right, like not putting those foods in any category. Right, there's no bad food unless it is a poisonous food or physically it's making you sick. But there's no, we shouldn't put, you know, foods in good category, bad category, right, that is going to prevent us from feeling, you know, all kinds of ways when we do eat something that we enjoy. And then we have these other feelings and thoughts of well, what's the point now? Right, I already ate this piece of cake, or I already ate these cookies, like everything else that I have worked so hard up to this point is wasted.

Speaker 1:

Right, which is absolutely not the case. Right, especially if you have been building up. Right, you haven't working consistently and you are, you know, changing things, even if it's one step at a time. Right, you are making progress, but we're allowing this negative thing, right, this fixed mindset, to throw it all away. Right, versus seeing it in a different way, right? Hey, yes, I had this cake. It was so delicious, I really enjoyed it. Right, and it's something that I feel comfortable eating. And it's not something that I'm going to see it as a negative thing, and it's okay. Let you know, I'm gonna see it as a negative thing and it's okay. You know, let's keep moving forward.

Speaker 1:

Right, I have these goals and this is what I want to accomplish, and these foods fit into this plan too. Right? So see that difference, it in our brains? Right, it makes a humongous difference. So, really, really understanding that, right? So let me share this. Now that I have it all set up for you, again, I'm going to add it into the show notes so you can download it, you can practice it, but it really encourages you to really think about that.

Speaker 1:

Really understanding mindset, right, like, what is a fixed mindset? What is a growth mindset? Right, again, fixed mindset is the belief that abilities are static and unchangeable. Right, we can change, but as humans, right, we change, we evolve, we do things differently, and I think it's so important to really understand that, right.

Speaker 1:

Oftentimes I have clients that come to me and they say you know what I'm doing, used to work before, right, and it's not working anymore. I'm actually seeing negative changes, right, but we are a whole different phase in our lives, right. Maybe we were doing that when we were younger or when we didn't have kids, right, or when we didn't have a desk job, right. But now, at this stage of our lives, we have to change things. Right, we have to adapt. That's a growth mindset, right, we have to feel okay with that, otherwise, we're going to be struggling every time, right, and you can make that decision. You can make the decision of I want to be struggling every time because I have this fixed mindset, or I'm going to embrace the changes, right, I'm going to embrace the changes, right. I'm going to adapt, be flexible and learn what I can do at this new phase of my life, right, which is again the growth mindset, the belief that abilities can be developed right, through effort and learning, trial and error and adjusting and just being flexible.

Speaker 1:

So, when we think about how that impacts our fitness and our nutrition, right, it's again hearing those words I can do these. I'm not good at these right. And if it's something new, right. If it's something that you haven't done, if it's something that maybe you're giving it a try, then you know it's normal. It's normal to feel like you cannot do it at the moment, right, but working together right and giving you those tools, giving you that guidance, that is what's going to help you to be able to do it right.

Speaker 1:

So, seeing it, as you know, in the sense of growth mindset, like it says here, I can improve right. So, seeing it, as you know, in the sense of growth mindset, like it says here, I can improve. Right. Challenges will help me grow and that is true. Right, this is challenging and I'm getting the tools, I'm getting the support that I need and I'm learning to do new things, and that's okay. Overall, that's what's going to help me get better, that's what's going to help me improve. So I see these a lot too, with nutrition, right, when we start thinking about okay, let's figure out the challenges right, let's figure out how we can create these individualized plan, how can you know, together, we can create a plan that is going to work for you? Plan, how can you know, together, we can create a plan that is going to work for you.

Speaker 1:

And oftentimes I hear you know, you know I've done meal planning and I hate cooking, or I don't like X, y, z, right, and it's great. It's great that you know what you don't like right. Now let's figure out what are the things that you can do, what are the things that you're willing to do Right, and using those tools that I'm providing, using those skills that I'm going, that we're going to learn how we can see change, right, so it's, it creates a huge impact, right. Same thing with exercise and fitness, right. Oftentimes I hear, you know, I don't exercise because I don't know what to do. Right, fixed mindset versus, hey, I really want to start adding strength training right, and I know I've never done it. So what I am going to do is I am going to hire a personal trainer right, because I want to be able to do it the proper way. I want to be able to establish those basics. I want to be able to learn proper form and really understand you know the movements, right and perfect. Or if you have maybe more knowledge on movement and maybe you've done it in the past, okay, I am going to create a very specific plan that I can continue to do and I can improve and evolve. Right, so see how the difference is. And again, it plays a huge role, right, an impact on our goals, having that fixed mindset versus growth mindset. Right, a fixed mindset could be. I can work out because I don't have a plan or because I don't know what to do. Right, challenges, they are challenges, but do we want to progress? Do we have these goals? Okay, how are we going to accomplish them? What are the tools that we need? What are the resources that we need? Right, to make that change? So don't just get stuck there. Right, it's okay to have those challenges, but now we need to do something about them. So let's keep going here.

Speaker 1:

Common mindset challenges right, really, looking at your barriers, such as self-doubt, right, feeling incapable or unworthy. So we really have to do a self-assessment right as to if I find myself saying the word I can't or I'm not able to do it, or X, y, z. Right, do a self-assessment as to where are these thoughts, right, where is this fixed mindset is coming from? Or if you feel, right, incapable of doing something, asking yourself why, right, why is there a reason that I feel that way? Because you're going to learn so much about you, but also it's a way to create solutions, right?

Speaker 1:

Another common mindset challenge is procrastination, right. Delaying workouts or healthy habits, right. So really looking at, okay, why is it that I'm delaying my workout, right? Is it because I don't want to do them? Right? Definitely a challenge. And so we continue to delay something that we don't want to do, right, or that our brains feel like it's overwhelming or annoying. Same thing with meal prepping, right, or cooking our meals, or going grocery shopping. It's those emotions, right, that we attach to it that maybe are causing these common challenges, right, and so a lot of the times, we might have to do things that we still find annoying and that we still have to get done. And so what is really going to help, right, is creating these systems for yourself, the systems that are going to help you to get in more of that routine, right, because habits are not created just all of a sudden, right, you really have to work on it. You have to be consistent in trying to do it at the same time as possible, right?

Speaker 1:

Believe it or not, our brains thrive in a routine, in a routine way, because there's not unknowns, right, there's not unexpected things, and so your brain is able to like function that way. We might feel that's not the way, right? We might feel like I don't like routines and I don't like that's probably what you don't like, but your brain actually likes that. Why do you think kids do so well in a routine environment? Right, because they already know what to expect. Right, this is what happens at this time. This is what happens at this time, and oftentimes, if something is disrupted right within that routine, it creates this confusion, right, and they don't like it because their brains don't like it Same thing as humans, right? So, in order for you to manage that challenge, right, really create the systems for yourself to help you get that thing done. Right, if it's a workout, okay. Instead of delaying it, let's just build a routine so we can get it done first thing in the morning, or we can get it done as soon as we get home. Or if we need to go to the gym, let's make sure that we carry all our things right in a backpack in the back of our trunk and we can go from work to the gym, because that in-between step is causing us to not leave the house anymore. Right, you get comfortable, you get distracted, you started snacking and then, all of a sudden, those 30 minutes that you were going to spend at the gym are gone, right? So really, look at the reason why you're delaying things, right?

Speaker 1:

Another huge one is negative self-talk. Oh my goodness, I hear this a lot is negative self-talk. Oh my goodness, I hear this a lot so much with my clients. Right, like really harsh internal criticism. We can be the worst critics, self-critics, right, but imagine what that does to your self-esteem. Imagine what that does to your motivation to do things. Right, it crushes it. So what I usually ask my clients is that will you say those words that you're saying to yourself? Will you say them to a friend? Will you say them to your mom or sister or someone that you love, your children? And oftentimes I want to like 100% of the time they say no, I wouldn't, I would never say that. So why are you saying them to yourself? You matter.

Speaker 1:

If you don't do positive self-talk, if you stop doing that harsh internal criticism, how are you going to be able to grow, how are you going to be able to find the motivation and the positivity to continue to do things? It's difficult, right, if the day after day, you look at yourself in the mirror and you're like you know all these negative things. Or when something doesn't go the way that you wanted it, the first thing that comes to mind is you're a failure. Right, you should be doing X, y, z. But instead of changing it right Into more of that growth mindset like hey, hey, yep, I am not feeling it today, but we're just gonna do our best, right, we're just gonna take it one minute at a time and we're just going to do our best. See how that feels, see what the difference is.

Speaker 1:

So focus on not doing any more negative self-talk, right? Remind, remind yourself. Okay, if I wouldn't say these words to a friend, to my child, to someone that I love, then I'm not going to say them to myself, because I love myself and I matter, right? So remember that, because all these things the self-doubt, the procrastination, the negative self-talk they can be huge barriers that can hinder your progress and decrease your motivation, because they're so negative, right? Like, if you think about being with someone, if you've ever been with someone that is very negative, right, and everything is bad and everything you know all these negative things then you start to feel that way, right? Because you're like oh man, that's rubbing on me and I was such a happy person. Right, I was a really positive person. But because I've been, you know, with that person for so long, I am like turning into that person right? So change your internal persona.

Speaker 1:

How can we shift that fixed mindset into a growth mindset? What strategies can we use? You have to embrace the challenges right. Don't see them as difficulties. See them as an opportunity to grow right. Like, okay, this is a challenge, I'm going to take the challenge right. What can I do to help me grow right. How can I learn from these challenges? Setting realistic goals right. Because when we set these more realistic goals right, that helps to not feel so overwhelmed If we think about, like, this humongous goal that is going to take us years or even months, right, simplify it. Simplify it into very small, actionable steps that you can celebrate the wins right Every time, your accomplishment, and that will provide right, that's going to have an accompanying effect to that bigger goal. But you have to set those realistic goals and celebrate the small victories.

Speaker 1:

You know, I feel like, as humans, we again focus on the negatives, we focus on the things that we're not doing, we focus on the things that we should be doing right and we forget the rewards, right, we forget to celebrate those wins, to celebrate those victories, even if they are extremely small. You know, it's interesting because if everything is going so well and we're having, you know, impact, and we're having victories, something along the way, you know, comes and you know a negative thought is thrown or like a challenge, right, and now we're like overwhelmed and like we're feeling a little bit negative. We're going to focus so much on that one thing Maybe. We had along the way, we had like a hundred positive things, a hundred victories, and this one thing right, that created a challenge. It was going to hold us back, right, because we're so like we're holding on to that right, and instead of learning from it, like we were doing so well, right, and something came up. Let's learn from it, right, because most likely we're going to face that down the road. So let's figure out why that happened, let's figure out how we can go about it and let's learn from it, right.

Speaker 1:

So, but celebrate your wins. It's interesting because every time I start a session with a client, that's one of the first things that I ask let's talk about your wins, let's talk about the things that are going well for you. Let's talk about the positive things and even though I'm asking this question, I'm not going to say the negative things, the things that are not going well, the things that they should be doing, just start to flow right, and that's okay. I let them vent, I'll let them tell me their story and then I'll start to find the wins. Right, I start to find things that they're doing well, but because they're focusing so much on the negatives that they haven't been able to step back and really see, you know, the victories. So we work on that for sure.

Speaker 1:

Some practical tips, right, to really help with that growth mindset Daily affirmations, right, for example, I have here, I am capable of achieving my goals right, I can do these, I have the knowledge, or I am able to do it Right. So having daily affirmations that can, that can help, right. So you know, it could be even as simple as every week I'm going to choose a word, a powerful, a powerful word, powerful word that, um, I'm going, I'm going to use to remind me, right, for example, um warrior, right, or um, love, uh, or self growth, or something like that, something that really resonates with you Right, and you can say this week. This is the word that I am going to use. This is the word that I'm going to fall back if I'm feeling going more into the negative aspect of it. That fixed mindset this is the word that I'm going to use, right To shift me into more of that.

Speaker 1:

Growth mindset Journaling, right. Growth mindset Journaling right. Journaling can be a huge way to see your progress. Also, maybe lack of, because you can always reflect back right, Okay, this is what I was doing and I was doing. You know, I was seeing results and then somehow this week things shifted, things changed. Let me go back to that week and see why, right, so it can give you that overview, it can give you that reflection.

Speaker 1:

I have clients that do journaling right For their nutrition and their fitness and their water intake and their sleep, because these are all the things that we talk about right, and so it's easier for them to be like, yeah, let's reflect on that, let's go back and see how you know what my journal says. Right, if you prefer to use an app, there's tons of apps right that you can use to track that, but you have to have some kind of data right to help you see your progress, because we cannot just rely on the scale. Right, we know that the scale is going to change. We know that the scale is not the reflection of your progress, or what you're doing, or what you're building, or the habits, the strong habits that you're creating. Right, the scale is not going to tell you, oh, you built a new habit. No, it's just a number. Right? If you just rely on that number, you're always going to be frustrated, right? Because that number is going to change, it's going to go up and down, it's going to not change. And so you have to really find a different way to measure your progress. Again, if it's by journaling, by tracking your sleep, whatever the goals are that you're working on, you have to find a way to track your progress.

Speaker 1:

Visualizing things, right? I ask my clients all the time let's visualize next week. Right, how does next week look like for you? What do we need to really work on? What are the things, what are the, maybe the possible challenges that you can foresee? Right, because visualizing something really helps you to understand why you need, and understand, maybe, the obstacles that you need to be prepared of, right? So not only that, right, you can also visualize. Let's say, maybe you're setting up a new goal. You can really visualize the goal, the end point, your destiny. But not only visualizing that. Then visualize how the journey is going to be, how you are going to change, how you are going to grow, because essentially, the journey is what's going to be the most powerful versus the destiny. Right, we can go.

Speaker 1:

Let's say someone says, okay, here's a magic pill right to help you build muscle, and you're going to build muscle tomorrow, right, or one week, and you don't have to do anything, right? So what do you learn? You don't learn anything, right. Once that pill is taken away from you, then how are you going to maintain, how are you going to continue to see progress? You're not right, because you didn't develop you, you didn't grow with the journey, right. So visualize. So, visualize your goals, visualize your success, visualize your journey. Do it week by week, right. How is next week going to look for me, right? How is this or next week going to be for me, right? And what are the things that I need? So, really working on that.

Speaker 1:

We talked about building consistent habits, right? Consistency. I can emphasize that enough. Right, it's going to take time to build consistency. It's going to take time to build habits, to change behaviors that we've created for years. So we really have to understand that and we can say I want to have instant gratification. Right, when we buy something new and something shiny, we get instant gratification. We were so happy, but that goes away, right? It's like when your kid wants something so bad and you already know, right that as soon as we buy it, they're going to spend an hour maybe on that thing and then it's going to be somewhere else in the room, somewhere else in the house and they're not even going to remember it. The same thing, right, we have to really learn to not want something to have that instant gratification, right. Especially something that involves nutrition. You know, building those strong nutrition foundations or building those strong fitness foundations right, they're going to take time. You have to put in the work and so really keeping that in mind, right. But what is going to help with that consistency? Creating schedules, right, creating systems that are going to help you achieve them? So that could be.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to schedule my workouts and I am going to do them Monday, wednesday, friday, from 12 to 12.30. And this is what I am going to do. See how specific it is. There's no reason for our brains to like wander around trying to figure out what we're going to do, and we spend those 30 minutes just trying to figure things out. Same thing with nutrition, right? This is what the menu looks like. This is what we're going to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Friday. This is the grocery list. Let's buy the ingredients. See you, remove all the obstacles versus like I'm going to go day by day, figure out meal by meal.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be extremely difficult to build consistency because, number one, we're busy. Number two, when we are really hungry, that critical part of the brain that says, oh, let's think about what we want to eat, is not going to function because you're so hungry, right, who cares, just go out, you know, let's just buy something because I'm really hungry. So you really have to understand yourself, right? You really have to find those systems that are going to help you be successful, right, and so nobody else is going to be able to do that for you. I mean, we together can do it, right, but we have to have that open communication and I have to really learn what your needs are, right, because if you don't tell me, I can guess. Right, I can guess what you really need or what your struggles are or what your challenges are, and that prevents me from really really providing the support that you need. But you can do it alone too. Right, like being super honest with yourself with, like, what systems you need, overcoming setbacks? Right, like what's going to help us to overcome setbacks and things that maybe are going to prevent us from continuing to see progress, and that's understanding that. That's part of the journey. Right, it's not that we're going to go from point A to point B straight shot. Right, then everybody will be doing it.

Speaker 1:

And so this journey is like ups and downs, and sometimes we have an area where we just are stagnant, but that doesn't mean that we're not doing anything, right, it just means that we're just there. For now, we're just maintaining, and that's okay. And so I think really understanding that that is part of the journey can help, right, because when we get there, then we already know we're respecting it. It's okay, let's just maintain. Okay, let's just maintain here. Let's take an example of plateau right, maybe we're just our bodies are needing a break, right, maybe we were in this deficit for six months and now our bodies are like. You know, you need to give me a break here, right? Or you need to feed me a little bit more, because we've been doing this for a long time and maybe that's what we need to do. Right, we'll give our bodies a break and then we'll reassess our goals. Right, we'll reassess our progress and create new routines. Right, create a new plan to continue to help you see a change.

Speaker 1:

But oftentimes what happens is that when we have a setback or when we see a plateau, then automatically what we think is okay, this is not working anymore. Right, it was working, but it's not working anymore. But that is not the case, right, we just have to keep going. Right, it's part of the progress and that is it really. So, just as a recap, right, the difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset Really understanding, right, the difference and that a fixed mindset is more. I can't and like this is a failure. Nothing's gonna work for me, nothing can change, it's always going to be the same versus a growth mindset, by seeing these obstacles and challenges as part of part of the progress, right, and as learning experiences.

Speaker 1:

Really creating this strong foundation, right, creating these systems that are going to help you achieve your goals. Right, be realistic, visualize. Visualize your goals. Visualize your journey, right, one of the things here I'm sure it's here too but really building a strong support system, right, that is either a mentor, that is a coach, that is a coach, that is a dietitian, your personal trainer, um, your spouse, your friend, whoever you feel comfortable with, comfortable with that you can talk about these things. Right.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, journeys that we take, these more specific goals that we have, um, may feel like it feels lonely, right, if we haven't found that really strong support system that can help us with accountability or just help us with like, like, feel that we're related. Right, like, hey, you're going through the same struggles as I am going because we're on the same, essentially on the same journey, right, and that can play a huge role in that growth mindset. So, again, you're going to have just this work handout, right, that you can go back to it and really understand yourself. Right, really pay attention to your mindset. And, with any goals, right, if you found yourself thinking about having more of that fixed mindset, work on changing it right, work on shifting to more of a growth mindset.

Speaker 1:

Stop doing the negative self-talk. I think, if I can leave you with anything, I want you to stop doing that self-negative talk. It's not doing you any good, on the contrary, right, it's probably just putting you down. So if you don't want anybody else, right, I would probably, I would hope that nobody else is talking to you like the way that you talk to yourself, right, so stop doing it for yourself. So, definitely, you know, work on that. But that is it, my friend. I hope you found this episode impactful. I want you to practice the things that I talked about. Really work on that, even if you pick one thing right, maybe, maybe again, that self, that self-criticism and the negative self-talk is really speaking to you. Right, catch yourself. Catch yourself as you are starting to say these things to yourself. Right, and reframe them into positive things, things that you would say to a friend, someone that you love. But I'll see you and talk to you in another episode. Stay safe and stay strong. Thank you for your time. Bye.