Simple Nutrition Insights

Summer Strong: Nourish Your Body, Energize Your Workouts

June 03, 2024 Leonila Episode 30
Summer Strong: Nourish Your Body, Energize Your Workouts
Simple Nutrition Insights
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Simple Nutrition Insights
Summer Strong: Nourish Your Body, Energize Your Workouts
Jun 03, 2024 Episode 30

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Balancing work, family, and personal wellness during the summer can feel like a never-ending juggling act. But what if there was a way to keep everything in harmony while still enjoying the sunny months? In this episode of Simple Nutrition Insights Podcast, we introduce our game-changing "Summer Strong" program. Designed to support parents navigating the hectic summer schedule, Summer Strong offers six weeks of personalized meal plans, complete with grocery lists and exciting recipes for snacks, drinks, and desserts. We’ve teamed up with Maria, a certified personal trainer, to create tailored workout plans that help you achieve your fitness goals without sacrificing family time.

Our discussion highlights the exclusive benefits of Summer Strong, including bi-weekly meal plans and one-on-one personal training sessions. You’ll also gain access to our vibrant members-only Facebook group, where you can share recipes, seek advice, and build a supportive community. We underscore the importance of feedback and personalized adjustments to ensure every participant's success. With expert nutrition and fitness tips, printable tracking sheets, and heartfelt testimonials from members, this episode is brimming with resources to keep you nourished, active, and thriving all summer long. Tune in and seize the opportunity to make this summer your healthiest yet!

Learn more about Summer Strong
Enroll Now!

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Balancing work, family, and personal wellness during the summer can feel like a never-ending juggling act. But what if there was a way to keep everything in harmony while still enjoying the sunny months? In this episode of Simple Nutrition Insights Podcast, we introduce our game-changing "Summer Strong" program. Designed to support parents navigating the hectic summer schedule, Summer Strong offers six weeks of personalized meal plans, complete with grocery lists and exciting recipes for snacks, drinks, and desserts. We’ve teamed up with Maria, a certified personal trainer, to create tailored workout plans that help you achieve your fitness goals without sacrificing family time.

Our discussion highlights the exclusive benefits of Summer Strong, including bi-weekly meal plans and one-on-one personal training sessions. You’ll also gain access to our vibrant members-only Facebook group, where you can share recipes, seek advice, and build a supportive community. We underscore the importance of feedback and personalized adjustments to ensure every participant's success. With expert nutrition and fitness tips, printable tracking sheets, and heartfelt testimonials from members, this episode is brimming with resources to keep you nourished, active, and thriving all summer long. Tune in and seize the opportunity to make this summer your healthiest yet!

Learn more about Summer Strong
Enroll Now!

Thank you for listening. Please subscribe to this podcast and share with a friend. If you would like to know more about my services, please message at

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Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, welcome back to another episode in the Simple Nutrition Insights Podcast. I am happy you're here and that you're listening, and today I actually want to talk about this new program that I created. It's called Summer Strong, and so I started with offering it to just my current clients, you know, children, essentially because I know summer is a chaotic time. Even though kids are in summer break, a lot of the times parents are not. So, you know, including myself, I'm usually working full time, my husband is working full time, and so having a plan, having something to guide us, right to take the guesswork away from, like, our meals, our workout routine, is huge because we are so overwhelmed, you know, usually in this you know, I see that mostly on the weekends I feel so mentally drained, right, like the last thing that I want to do is think about what I want to cook for dinner or actually for the entire day. So usually by Sunday I'm like, okay, I don't want to cook anything else, right, I don't want to think about what I want to cook. And so, essentially, I created Summer Strong with those things in mind. Right, that, how busy we are, especially we're going to be traveling or on vacation, right, food is something that we always have. Right. We're going to eat. I know sometimes we might skip a few meals, but in the end we're still going to eat something, right. And so having something to follow or having a guide right to help us make those decisions right that we're maybe struggling to come up with or when we just have, you know, exhausted our mental power. But the other component, too right is usually our workout routines go out the window because the kids are home now, and maybe when the kids were at school we would go and work out or go for a walk or whatever the case may be. And so now that the kids are home, that can be a little bit more challenging, right, like, okay, when do I fit that in? Or because we're not having to wake up so early to get the kids ready for school and take them to school. Now we also want to sleep in a little bit.

Speaker 1:

But that also is going to affect when we work, when we work out right. If we were working out in the morning, right, to get it out of the way, that can be a challenge. Or maybe we were working out in the middle of the day, right, because we had that time, but now we don't. So we kind of have we have these conflicting situations, but a lot of the times and these are some of the things I also hear my clients have difficulties with is what do I do? Where do I start? How do I work out?

Speaker 1:

I have clients that have never followed a workout routine or a workout plan, and so to them that is very intimidating. But then I also have clients that have been working out for years, right, but when it comes to summer it's like, even though I have the knowledge, like my routine is so out of whack that I don't even know where to start. So you know, if you are one of those parents, I think this program is going to be so beneficial and I'm going to show you right now. So if you're only listening, you can always go back to, or you can follow my YouTube video or channel and go there and you can see the visuals. But I want to show you essentially what the program includes, right, and so I'll link that. I'll put that link in the show notes too, so you can also look at that to have that visual. Let me share my screen here so we can do that. So here it is right, let me just cover that.

Speaker 1:

And so, yeah, again, this is a six-week program, right? I call it Summer Strong. Nourish your Body, energize your Workouts to unlock your inner strength, vitality and wellness. And so you know, this program, again, is created by myself, right? They're a registered dietitian and also a certified personal trainer, which I'll go more into detail right now as to the reason why I wanted that and so, um and so, summer Strong, essentially, you know, it's going to have these done-for-you custom meal plans that are created by me, right? This is based on, like, the knowledge that I have as a dietician. And then all the meal plans are going to come with a grocery list, right? So you know, essentially, what you want to do is just have your grocery list, go to the grocery store and then make your meals, right, and they're pretty simple meals. I'll show you right now how they look like so that you have a visual for that as well.

Speaker 1:

I also created these summer summer snacks, right? Summer drinks and summer desserts. So if you're like, ok, you know, on Sunday we're going to have a party or we're going to have a visit, let's create something fun for them too, right? You can choose from those recipes as well, now, I'm really excited about this one right, because a lot of the times, I do get a lot of clients that ask me about personal training right, and as I'm only a registered dietitian, I'm not a certified personal trainer.

Speaker 1:

However, I do work with a certified personal trainer. Her name is Maria and she creates all my workout plans, so I'm really lucky to have her. She's also my sister, so you know she creates these workout plans for me based on what my goals are, based on what we want to accomplish, and so we've done lots of projects together, and so this is one of the projects that we you know we are partnering together and we're creating, and so this is what you're going to get here is you're going to talk to her, right, and so this is what's what you're going to get here is you're going to talk to her right, have a one-on-one training session where you guys are going to sit down, obviously, if it's virtual, right, you virtually are going to sit down together or stand up and talk about essentially what your goals are in terms of fitness, and that way she can create for you the six-week plan right for the summer and you can follow that and you can um, you can have that. You know that structured plan, again, this is something that we're so passionate about. We know that it works and we know that it's so needed, and so you know, if you need specific modifications, you can talk to her about that and she'll work with you on that. If you have no experience at all, don't worry, she can create a plan keeping those things in mind. If you want something more challenging, believe me, you can absolutely let her know and she'll create that for you.

Speaker 1:

But the other thing, too right, is that I also understand that the journey of transformation or body recomposition, or weight loss or muscle building, a lot of the times it's pretty lonely, right? I almost think of it as being your own, like having your own business. Right, it can be lonely, like you're by yourself and you're just, you know, trying to achieve your goals. And so through mentorships, through business coaches, I have learned that having a community, having the support of like minded people, people that are going through the same journey, it really helps to not only motivate you but also to encourage you, but also to relate, right, that, hey, we're having the same struggles, we're having maybe the same challenges. Let's support each other so that way we can be more successful, right, and so I created also this community, or this area, right, where whoever joins the program, right, we're all together and we're supporting each other to make sure that we get the best out of the program.

Speaker 1:

And so, um, you have exclusive access to our facebook group. Right in there, we're gonna have, um, you know, recipes, new recipes. We can share things, right, we can support each other. And, and so, because I really really have really understand the power of support and the power of community and just how much that is needed when you feel like you're doing this alone, and so, even though up top it says enrollment closed, I'll fix that right. If you feel like, hey, this is something that I want to do, put the link in the show notes as well, check it out, right. If you feel like, hey, this is something that I want to do, put the link in the show notes as well, check it out, right. If it's not for you, not a problem. But if you know of somebody that, hey, maybe this person can really benefit from this program, please share it. I will absolutely be grateful if you do that for me.

Speaker 1:

But here's a little bit more about that, right? Who is the Summer Strong program for? You know what you will get by weekly meal plans, right, created by me again, your one-on-one personal training session to develop your tailored workout routine, expert nutrition and fitness tips. So if you're having any specific questions, you can always put that in our Facebook group, in our exclusive Facebook group, and we can make sure that you get that answer that you need. Again, the bonuses that I'm adding into this program is the printable tracking sheets just to keep you on track.

Speaker 1:

If there is something that you're like I know I need to work on my water intake, there's a tracker for it. There's a tracker for self-care, right? Okay, I know this summer is going to be madness. I'm going to make the priority of, for example, every Sunday morning, to just sip on my coffee outside without any noise, and that's a way of doing self-care right. Or maybe, you know, on Fridays, at the end of the day, after all, the kids are gone, go to school, go to work oh my gosh, go to bed. Excuse me, you have some me time or something like that, right? Something that is going to help you take care of yourself at that level, because it is going to be chaos and again, you're going to get the Summer Strong Satisfying Snacks, which I'm going to preview a little bit in a moment, the Summer Strong Thirst Quenching Drinks and Delicious Desserts. You'll have all those recipes there for you.

Speaker 1:

There's some more information there about people that have worked with us, testimonials and all A little bit about us. You know about me as a registered dietitian and Maria as a certified personal trainer. If you want to know a little bit more about her, you can read more there and then just your frequently asked questions. So all that information is going to be on this page, which, again, I'm going to link in the show notes so you can look at it over. Let's see if you have more specific questions, right, maybe questions that are not here, questions that are not here. You can always email me. You can send me a text at this number, the 559 512 0404, and I will respond to you. It goes straight to me so you'll get access to me. But let me show you here a little bit about the meal plan so that way you can also look at that. And then, if there's anything specific right, that maybe on the meal plan you're not comfortable with or you're needing an alternative, please let me know. So that way I can make that change for you, which is not a problem at all. I want to make sure that what you're following right is something that you want to do, okay, so let me show you one of the meal plans here.

Speaker 1:

You know I always encourage my clients to give feedback, right? So if something is not working well for you or if you feel like my gosh, I'm extremely hungry all the time. The first week for the most part, if we have been doing eating more yeah, surplus, I guess that's the word you're going to feel that difference the first week until your body and your brain and those hormones adjust. But by the second week you should start to feel more like, hey, my hunger is pretty under control and I'm doing okay. But if that is not the case, you can always reach out to me and let me know so that way I can adjust your plan. It all depends to you right on our activity level, and so if you're more, if you're challenging yourself more and you know you develop this workout plan with Maria, the personal trainer, and you're like you know, I am really struggling with my hunger and it's affecting how I recover, it's affecting how I think. You know I'm not. I'm feeling foggy, or whatever the case may be. Definitely let me know, because I can adjust the plan to match. You know your activity level, and that's totally fine as well. Okay, so here is what one of the weeks I think this is week five and six how the plan looks like.

Speaker 1:

Right Again, it has the breakdown of the meals. It's going to have the grocery list, right, so you don't have to worry about doing it manually. It's going to have all your recipes that you're going to follow, right. What I like to you is that all the recipes are going to have notes, and so if you want to add additional toppings or how to what to do with leftovers, what a serving size looks like, right, you can look at that as well for additional information. But it has obviously how to cook or how to do the recipe and the servings, and so it has all that, and so I think that is really important because it's all set up like. There's no guesswork here. Right again, you just have to print it out if you want to. A lot of my clients save it in their phones and they just, you know, obviously take their phone with them when they go grocery shopping and they get everything that they need done and they don't have to worry about it. If you have someone that cooks for you when I'm jealous but that is amazing you can just obviously print all that for them and they can follow the recipe.

Speaker 1:

All the recipes are pretty simple to follow. I tried to make them as simple as I can as I could so that way you don't you're not taking so long to cook, right, but you're also not sacrificing flavor and taste. But this also, you're getting nutrients that your body needs to recover and repair, uh, and to help with, you know, stomach issues or constipation. Um, whatever the case may be, I try to make these meal plans high protein and high fiber. So that way we also keep that in mind, because I know I talk about balancing meals and getting enough fiber, and so I make sure that the meal plans also match that. But let me show you as well the desserts here, right? So that way you also have that as a visual, right? Again, like I've mentioned, if you're driving or if you're busy and you cannot look at the YouTube video, right, don't worry, you can always go to my YouTube channel, which is a link in the show notes to you and you'll be able to access that. The link to enroll or register for the program is going to be in the show notes as well, and so you can access that too.

Speaker 1:

Again, this is our summer program, um, and you know we have I know, I think we have, I don't know like eight, ten weeks of summer, um, so you'll have time to do that. Excuse me, but here is the one that I created for our desserts. Um, so I make, I try to make them, um, or, you know, use recipes that are more like summary. So these will be, uh, one of the bonuses that you get with the program. Right, the summer, strong, decadent desserts, um, date squares, right, 12 servings there, how to make them and then what is the serving size. But there's also here peanut butter, banana, muffin brownies. If you have a peanut allergy or a nut allergy, you can substitute it with a seed, like sesame seed or sunflower seed butter. That's an option as well. Um, no, big chocolate cashew bites, vegan chocolate mousse you have the access there.

Speaker 1:

Chocolate chunk cookies, mango cherry frozen yogurt, cranberry, orange popsicles yum, sounds delicious. S'mores, right, especially if you want to do what? If you want to go out camping or if you want to camp out in your backyard, that's. That's a good one cantaloupe sorbet, yummy in the watermelon sorbet. So, anyway, you have that available as well with the program.

Speaker 1:

But just to recap, right in terms of what the program is, right, it's called summer strong. It is a six-week program essentially is designed for parents busy parents, um, that are going to have their kids during the summer break. But if you want to give it a try and you're not a parent you're more welcome to. It's totally fine, because we're all busy anyway. So that can also be something that you want to try. You'll have the five weekly meal plans with the grocery list and all the recipes.

Speaker 1:

You'll have trackers, right. If you want to focus on specific things like sleep, you know, improving your sleep or your water intake or doing more self-care, you have trackers for that, and you you'll have your one-on-one personal training session to develop your six-week training program with Maria, the certified personal trainer, and what else. You have access to our exclusive Facebook community, supportive community, and there where you can find that community that you need. Sometimes, you know, even just talking to somebody else, right, that is maybe not a child, it's much needed, and so you'll have that community available for you as well. And so this program, we're making it affordable, keeping in mind how much it's involving it, right. So $4.97 for the six weeks is what we are, what the investment is, but there's a link there right where you can also register for our enroll and yeah, so we're hoping to you know you're interested and, again, if you have any questions about it, please shoot me a text at 559-512-0404.

Speaker 1:

If you have more additional questions, let me know. I can answer any question for you. Or if you're wanting to maybe talk more about what specific questions you have about yourself, and then if this program is a fit for you, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'll make sure to answer those questions. But I think that is it for that. Thank you so much for your time. Stay safe and stay strong. Have a wonderful week and a wonderful summer. I'll be seeing you and talking to you, I'm sure next time. Okay, you take care. Bye-bye, for now.

Summer Strong Program Overview
Summer Strong Program Overview